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Sunday Worship Service
June 25, 2023 @ 10:30 am - 12:00 pm PDT
“My House will be called A House of Prayer For all Nations” Isaiah 56:7 ~ Mark 11:17
MISSION: “Making God known by sharing the Love of Christ.”
VISION: “Transformation”- Romans 12:2
Order of Service: 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Opening Prayer/Worship: Worship Team |
Scripture Reading: Nehemiah 13: 1-3, 8-9, 17-30
Nehemiah’s Final Reforms13 On that day the Book of Moses was read aloud in the hearing of the people and there it was found written that no Ammonite or Moabite should ever be admitted into the assembly of God, 2 because they had not met the Israelites with food and water but had hired Balaam to call a curse down on them. (Our God, however, turned the curse into a blessing.) 3 When the people heard this law, they excluded from Israel all who were of foreign descent. 8 I was greatly displeased and threw all Tobiah’s household goods out of the room. 9 I gave orders to purify the rooms, and then I put back into them the equipment of the house of God, with the grain offerings and the incense. 17 I rebuked the nobles of Judah and said to them, “What is this wicked thing you are doing—desecrating the Sabbath day? 18 Didn’t your ancestors do the same things, so that our God brought all this calamity on us and on this city? Now you are stirring up more wrath against Israel by desecrating the Sabbath.” 19 When evening shadows fell on the gates of Jerusalem before the Sabbath, I ordered the doors to be shut and not opened until the Sabbath was over. I stationed some of my own men at the gates so that no load could be brought in on the Sabbath day. 20 Once or twice the merchants and sellers of all kinds of goods spent the night outside Jerusalem. 21 But I warned them and said, “Why do you spend the night by the wall? If you do this again, I will arrest you.” From that time on they no longer came on the Sabbath. 22 Then I commanded the Levites to purify themselves and go and guard the gates in order to keep the Sabbath day holy. Remember me for this also, my God, and show mercy to me according to your great love. 23 Moreover, in those days I saw men of Judah who had married women from Ashdod, Ammon and Moab. 24 Half of their children spoke the language of Ashdod or the language of one of the other peoples, and did not know how to speak the language of Judah. 25 I rebuked them and called curses down on them. I beat some of the men and pulled out their hair. I made them take an oath in God’s name and said: “You are not to give your daughters in marriage to their sons, nor are you to take their daughters in marriage for your sons or for yourselves. 26 Was it not because of marriages like these that Solomon king of Israel sinned? Among the many nations there was no king like him. He was loved by his God, and God made him king over all Israel, but even he was led into sin by foreign women. 27 Must we hear now that you too are doing all this terrible wickedness and are being unfaithful to our God by marrying foreign women?” 28 One of the sons of Joiada son of Eliashib the high priest was son-in-law to Sanballat the Horonite. And I drove him away from me. 29 Remember them, my God, because they defiled the priestly office and the covenant of the priesthood and of the Levites. 30 So I purified the priests and the Levites of everything foreign, and assigned them duties, each to his own task. |
Praise and Worship: contd.. |
Sermon: RESTORE by Sephora |
Benediction |
Baptism: Speak with Pastor Jusuf if you are interested in baptism.
WMBC is…
(Vision Statement) “Making God known by sharing the Love of Christ.”
(Mission Statement)“Transformation”- Romans 12:2 (Vision Statement)
– All are welcome at WMBC
Prayer Sessions: Time –Wednesday: 7:00-8:30 p.m.; Sundays: 9:45 a.m.
LIVE STREAMING OF WMBC SERVICES WILL BE ON SUNDAYS @ 10:30 A.M. https://wmbaptistchurch.ca In-person church services commence at 10:30 A.M. Invite families and friends.
Celebration Zone on-site- Sundays @10:30 a.m.
ESL Classes: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. in the downstairs Fellowship Hall. ( TBC ). Interested Volunteer teachers, contact Yvonne.
Covid-19 Precautions
Pray without ceasing, continue to be diligent.
Stay home, especially if showing symptoms.
Wash hands frequently with soap and water!!!
Sanitize hands and surfaces.
Wear masks; still consider others ( if in enclosed areas )
Cell Groups:
-Gary Hockridge and Hercules Tupas, E. Van., on Zoom, Saturdays @3:00 p.m.
Our Outreach Ministries
ESL Classes: Tues/Thurs @ 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
S.E.T.: Senior Enrichment Time @ 11:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. every 1st Friday of the month. New re-opening will be announced soon.
Women’s Gathering Group: Details coming soon!
Shining Stars after-School Tutoring and Bible Club: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, @ 3:30 – 6:30 p.m.; Thursdays (TBA ); Connections/Youth: Fridays, 3:30 – 8:30 p.m./ 5:30 – 9:30 p.m.
Shining Stars After-school/Youth activities on-going.
Young Adults with Alyssa Hui /Lorna Horwood- Sundays @12:30 p.m.
Vision School – Contact Chris Lim
Prayer Care / Concerns:
Church Ministries; Church Unity and Growth; Covid-19 and other viral diseases in all impacted countries and people; Health Care Personnel; Teachers / Students; our Community; Haiti, Afghanistan, Sudan, Russia and Ukraine; Turkey / Syria ; South Korea, Peru; Families’ displacement in countries due to natural or man-made disasters, etc.; Peace/Safety Officers; Shelters, Homeless; Peace and Harmony across Canada / Reconciliation; Shining Stars After- school programs, Students, Parents and Volunteers; Celebration Zone; Burmese Fellowship; Seniors; Young Adults; Brothers and sisters who are ill.
Mission Focus:
Long Term Missions:
Tim and Kellie Hutton-Bolivia
Paul & Sharyn Branson-Dominican Republic
Janzens-Brazil; Bill and Janice Dyck-Bolivia
Mission Central:
Prayer Request- Pray for those whom God is calling to continue to expand His mission; give thanks for generosity of hearts and God’s provision in clearing and surpassing the existing debts; pray for guidance for the continuing process; pray for the new team under the auspices of Steve Schroeder. Thanks to John Hall, Board members, staff and volunteers for years of dedicated service to the Lord’s mission.
Local Mission Outreach
-Shining Stars after- school –contact Yvonne M. Jones or Jennifer Lee.
-Seniors Enrichment Time (SET) –contact Pastor Jusuf Wijaya.
A warm Ward welcome if you are visiting in-person or online with us today. Contact Pastors with special prayer requests or concerns. THANKS
Celebration Zone Picnic : Sunday , June 25, at Clinton Park starting at 12:30 pm. Bring lawn chair and a picnic lunch . Juice, Water , Ice Cream, Watermelon, etc. will be provided . There will also be games.
24 hour Prayer Clock for Shining Stars Camp Can-Do will be on July 1-2, 2023 . Pray about participating for 15 minutes or more.
Shining Stars Summer Classes & Camp Adventures – July 4th to Aug 25th, 2023. Registrations open now.
Note: Donate your bottles and cans to G&I Shining Stars Youth Society. Proceeds go towards children locally and beyond, as well as care meals for the downtown Eastside.