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Sunday Worship Services 10:30 am and 5:00 pm
October 1, 2023 @ 10:30 am - 5:00 pm PDT
Sunday Worship
October 1, 2023 @ 10:30 am – 12:00 pm & 5:00 pm-6:30 PDT
Sunday Worship Service
Ward Memorial Baptist Church, 465 Kamloops St. Vancouver, BC V5K 3V2
“My House will be called A House of Prayer For all Nations” Isaiah 56:7 ~ Mark 11:17
Church Office 604 255 3949
Snr. Pastor Jusuf Wijaya 604 724-1158
G&I Shining Stars Youth Society 604 307-9237
Youth Pastor: Jeremy Kwan 613-316-8975
Church Moderator: Chris Lim 604-722-1800
Opening Prayer/Welcome/Worship/Praise: Worship Team
Scripture Reading: Esther 4:1-17
Praise and Worship Contd.
God’s Tithes Our Offering: E-transfer to: wardoffering@gmail.com; questions, contact Vanessa @ +1 (778) 837-7408, or vness.lal@gmail.com
Can also drop off in mail slot at church or send by mail.
Message: “ The Fearless Faith ” of Queen Esther by Sephora Pierre-Louis
Evening Service:
Scripture Reading: Esther 4:1-17
Message: “ The Fearless Faith ” of Queen Esther by Sephora Pierre-Louis
1 When Mordecai learned of all that had been done, he tore his clothes, put on sackcloth and ashes, and went out into the city, wailing loudly and bitterly. 2 But he went only as far as the king’s gate, because no one clothed in sackcloth was allowed to enter it. 3 In every province to which the edict and order of the king came, there was great mourning among the Jews, with fasting, weeping and wailing. Many lay in sackcloth and ashes.
4 When Esther’s eunuchs and female attendants came and told her about Mordecai, she was in great distress. She sent clothes for him to put on instead of his sackcloth, but he would not accept them. 5 Then Esther summoned Hathak, one of the king’s eunuchs assigned to attend her, and ordered him to find out what was troubling Mordecai and why.
6 So Hathak went out to Mordecai in the open square of the city in front of the king’s gate. 7 Mordecai told him everything that had happened to him, including the exact amount of money Haman had promised to pay into the royal treasury for the destruction of the Jews. 8 He also gave him a copy of the text of the edict for their annihilation, which had been published in Susa, to show to Esther and explain it to her, and he told him to instruct her to go into the king’s presence to beg for mercy and plead with him for her people.
9 Hathak went back and reported to Esther what Mordecai had said. 10 Then she instructed him to say to Mordecai, 11 “All the king’s officials and the people of the royal provinces know that for any man or woman who approaches the king in the inner court without being summoned the king has but one law: that they be put to death unless the king extends the gold scepter to them and spares their lives. But thirty days have passed since I was called to go to the king.”
12 When Esther’s words were reported to Mordecai, 13 he sent back this answer: “Do not think that because you are in the king’s house you alone of all the Jews will escape. 14 For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?”
15 Then Esther sent this reply to Mordecai: 16 “Go, gather together all the Jews who are in Susa, and fast for me. Do not eat or drink for three days, night or day. I and my attendants will fast as you do. When this is done, I will go to the king, even though it is against the law. And if I perish, I perish.”
17 So Mordecai went away and carried out all of Esther’s instructions.
Baptism: Speak with Pastor Jusuf if you are interested in baptism.
WMBC is…
(Vision Statement) “Making God known by sharing the Love of Christ.”
(Mission Statement)“Transformation”- Romans 12:2 (Vision Statement)
– All are welcome at WMBC
Prayer Sessions: Time –Wednesday: 7:00-8:30 p.m.; Sundays: 9:45 a.m.; Thursday: 7:00 p.m.
LIVE STREAMING OF WMBC SERVICES WILL BE ON SUNDAYS @ 10:30 A.M. https://wmbaptistchurch.ca In-person church services commence at 10:30 A.M. Invite families and friends.
Celebration Zone on-site- Sundays @10:30 a.m.
ESL Classes: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. in the downstairs Fellowship Hall. ( Late Fall ). Interested Volunteer teachers, contact Yvonne.
Invite Friends and Families to Thanksgiving Service at 10:30 a.m. on October 8,2023,followed by a delicious lunch. Main entrée ( Turkey & Ham ) and fixings as well as coffee , tea, juice, water is provided. Members and Adherents are asked to bring salad or dessert. Contact Lara.
Shining Stars Care Meals for DTES will be on October 12 & 13, 2023. Hope to provide up to 400 delicious meals. Financial donations are welcome. E-transfer to gissys.adm@gmail.com or contact Jen or Yvonne.
Note: Pop-up Plaza at Hastings and Kamloops is under renovation. No parking during the week from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. until renovation is completed.
Health and Safety Precautions
Pray without ceasing, continue to be diligent.
Stay home, especially if showing symptoms.
Wash hands frequently with soap and water!!!
Sanitize hands and surfaces.
Wear masks; still consider others ( if in enclosed areas )
Cell Groups:
-Sephora Pierre-Louis and Hercules Tupas, E. Van., on Zoom, Saturdays @7:00 p.m.
Our Outreach Ministries
ESL Classes: Tues/Thurs @ 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. ( Will resume in Fall )
S.E.T.: Senior Enrichment Time @ 11:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. every 1st Friday of the month, ( next one is on October 6, 2023 )
Women’s Gathering Group: Contact Sephora Pierre-Louis
Shining Stars after-School Tutoring and Bible Club: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, @ 3:30 – 6:30 p.m.; Thursdays (TBA ); Connections/Youth: Fridays, 3:30 – 8:30 p.m./ 5:30 – 9:30 p.m.
YA Fellowship – Meet at the Kwans on Sundays. Check Discord , WhatsApp or contact Ps. Jeremy Kwan.
Shining Stars After-school/Youth activities for Elementary and High School, Grades 3-12 (Tues. & Wed., Thurs.-TBA ); Friday-Grade 7 and High School + only, from 3:30-8:30 p.m. Special Events ending time: 9:30 p.m.
Young Adults -Sundays @12:30 p.m.
Vision School – Contact Chris Lim for location
Saturdays, from 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. for both Adults and Kids.
-objective: learning together and share the same heart /vision, to promote a unified heart in the family.
Samaritan’s Purse Christmas Child Shoe Boxes are here. Help us fill 100 boxes by November 12,2023. Contact Jen or Yvonne for your box or boxes. Put a smile on a child’s face who will receive your box or boxes.
Prayer Care / Concerns:
Church Ministries; Church Unity and Growth; Hurricanes; Fires in impacted provinces, countries and on people; Health Care Personnel; Teachers / Students; our Community; Haiti, Afghanistan, Sudan, Russia and Ukraine; Turkey / Syria ; South Korea, Peru; Families’ displacement in countries due to natural or man-made disasters, etc.; Peace/Safety Officers; Shelters, Homeless; Peace and Harmony across Canada / Reconciliation; Indigenous National Truth and Reconciliation Day; Shining Stars After- school programs, Shining Stars Camp Can-Do, Campers, Parents, Staff and Volunteers; Celebration Zone; Korean Fellowship; Seniors Enrichment Time (SET), Young Adults; Brothers and sisters who are ill.
- Condolences for Franky & Steven Wu and Family as they mourn and celebrate the life of grandmother and grandfather .Visitation on October 5 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at Glenhaven Memorial Chapel 1835 E. Hastings St., Vancouver, BC; Funeral service on October 6th at 9:00 a.m., Glenhaven Funeral Chapel followed by burial at Valley View Cemetery, 14644-72nd, Surrey, BC.
- Condolences for Pam & Tony Gomes and family in the passing of Tony’s mother, Elaine Gomes.
Mission Focus:
Long Term Missions:
Tim and Kellie Hutton-Bolivia
Paul & Sharyn Branson-Dominican Republic
Janzens-Brazil; Bill and Janice Dyck-Bolivia
Mission Central: Mission Fest will be on January 24-27, 2024 ( Details will be coming soon). Keep the new team, organizers, speakers, and potential volunteers in prayers. on Fest Vancouver 2024 is 4–27,
Local Mission Outreach
-Shining Stars after- school –contact Yvonne M. Jones or Jennifer Lee.
-Seniors Enrichment Time (SET) –contact Pastor Jusuf Wijaya.
A warm Ward welcome if you are visiting in-person or online with us today. Contact Pastors with special prayer requests or concerns. THANKS
Shining Stars Camp Can-Do Summer Classes and Adventures 2024 will begin on July 2nd.
Note: Donate your bottles and cans to G&I Shining Stars Youth Society. Proceeds go towards children locally and beyond, as well as care meals for the Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside.
Financial Donations are accepted throughout the year: it’s life giving as you impact lives into the generations.
Prayers requested for Vision school fall session.
Celebration Zone Volunteer teachers and assistants needed for Fall. Contact Yvonne and Jen.
Dear Lord, thank you for this new season and for the reduction in the fires which have plagued this province and across Canada. Thanks for keeping the focus on Truth and Reconciliation at all levels. May we experience a time when each person can truly extend your love and respect for one another. Grant us the mind and heart-set to be filled with gratitude for all you continue to provide for us. Minimize the rhetoric of discord and increase our understanding and appreciation of your created beings and guide us through the purpose for which you have designed us.
Thank you for reminding us to:
Colossians 3:15-“Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.”
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18-“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”
Psalm 107:8-9-“Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for mankind, for he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things.”